Recent lessons.

I haven’t done one of these in a while. Mostly because who wants to read about dressage lessons, but also because my last couple, while still good, have been full of struggles.

we are all this derpy….

We’ve been asking for more and more correct work – both in her body and mine – and its made one hell of a difference. Did you know if you stay solid on BOTH sides of your body it really helps keep your horse straight and steady – who would have thought eh?

I’ve been having issues feeling like I was sitting even, and knew it was an issue with my right side, but my attempts to fix it on my own haven’t worked. I just ended up either leaning right or putting to much weight into my right stirrup which was actually just pushing me left more. It felt like I was on a teeter totter sometimes and that is not a fun feeling to have.


When we start the canter work is when I really start to notice it so on Friday I stopped and explained it and Coach came over and manipulated my body a bit and showed me where the issue really was and then explained how to fix it. Having that simple little explanation like that made a world of difference.

Did Luna like it?

 her response

No not really, because she couldn’t push me around and be able to go which ever way was easiest for her.

It was literally like night and day. What a change. I sat on my right side, and firmed up that whole side and the left canter departs were quicker and sharper. The canter improved in a huge way going both directions. The trot was rounder and bigger. Everything was so much better.

The few rides since last week’s lesson have been short and sweet since it has been so incredibly hot here, but she learns so quickly and already she isn’t trying to swing me around in the saddle and pull me to the left as badly.

We had an other lesson this Friday and one of the other ladies that rides with my coach was watching and she said it was so nice to watch a horse that gets it so quick. Proud horse-mom moment right there.

still rocking half a mane

All these little changes are just a small part of the bigger picture, and with what Luna has shown me lately, I cannot wait for whats to come!


6 thoughts on “Recent lessons.

    1. And it’s all about how someone tells you to fix it ! When I finally asked specifically about it and we stopped and she showed me it made a world of difference.

      Tonight we tried flying chances on our own, both ways and we got on on our “tough” side on the second attempt !

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I knew I was too, and it was driving me crazy and I couldn’t fix it. I explained it to my coach and she explained how to fix it SO well its been super easy to work on since !


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