Weekends are for the trails

With Canada Day this weekend, it meant for a long weekend ! Long weekends = more pony time.

A group of us from my barn made plans to head out to the local trail system nearby. Found out the day before we left that a couple of spots were closed due to hazards and an other one had a passable (ish) hazard. So we changed plans to go to a different staging area.


Luna hopped right into the trailer like a prob. Strange trailer with a pawing horse and she didn’t even look or care. I think it’s safe to say I no longer have a bad loader !

Someone had ants in their pants and jigged a good part of the way out on the trails which is unusual. But there were lots of trees down…which meant jumping. Or in dressage horse land, not so gracefully stepping over them 😂

We managed to it so gracefully on my part, actually jump a log and canter away in a giggle fit. This horse and my lack of skills amuses me some day.


It was so nice to get out again and enjoy he warmth and good company. Pony had her fast pants on and kept passing everyone while we were trotting, until her legs were going to fast for her chubby body.

We also managed to squeeze in a visit to the kids barn to see her new ride ! What a cutie he is !Lexie tagged along to two barns and is currently snoozing somewhere upstairs because she is exhausted ! Hope everyone had a good weekend !