All the updates.

It has been a long while since I posted anything then some pictures! I think the last real blog post was before Luna’s surgery !

If you don’t remember – because it has been so long – the wound that Luna had on her leg ended up being because she had one very broken splint bone!

v. broken

That was a fun surprise ! Not. She was scheduled in for surgery a few days later and off she went! The clinic is literally right down the road from the barn which is nice. Not so nice is the fact that dingle berries tried to fold her self in half trying to come back out of the trailer after she went in. That was fun. Great way to give me a hear attack horse.

My vet was nice enough ( is it nice ?) to let me watch the surgery. My god was that nerve wracking. And running behind. Pete’s penis cutting took longer then they thought it would. Poor Pete. We couldn’t really see much due to how they drape them and the fact that the viewing window is on the same level as the surgical room. But maybe that was for the best to not be able to see much of it.

Everything went well, and I even got to keep the fragments that they took out. Which were a shocking amount. Don’t ask me what I am going to do with them, I just thought they were cool. #horsepeopleproblems


first five minutes of turnout….whhyyyyy

She came home and did really well on stall rest after the surgery which I was a bit shocked by. She did have one crazy moment in the cross ties when they are cleaning her stall and ripped her halter in half so that was great.

We did have to deal with some soft tissue damage from the broken chunks rubbing. I decided to spend my monies and we did shockwave which I have always found to make a big difference and an injection of Amnion that was suggest by my vet. She says that we wouldn’t have seen as much healing as we did if we had not done that. You can’t even see anything going on in that leg and she is sounder then I think she has ever been!

there is a fin up there

So now we have just been focusing on getting fit again, trying to find a saddle that works for us again and staying in one piece. She is not doing very good at the last thing, and is also being a pain about the second thing!

Well that was unexpected.

As you know from my last post, or if you follow me on social media, Luna hurt herself (again) last month. It was looking better, until it wasn’t – which was about a week and a half ago that it got worse.

giraffe mode engaged

Sent pictures to my vet and got a response of :

“We should x-ray that”

Because that’s exactly what a horse owner wants to hear late Friday night of a long weekend! Luckily she was already coming out to my barn on the Wednesday and I tacked onto the appointment.

You know when you can’t make it to the appointment, and someone else has to hold your horse, and you are just sitting and waiting….and waiting……..and waiting ? And how uncool it is to be waiting…. Yeah well I tend to just freak out. Which of course is exactly what I did. Of course. Good thing Luna’s favorite auntie was there and texting me about it.

I guess I had a good reason to freak out?

not supposed to look like that.

We have one very broken splint bone. YIPPEEEEEE. Not the end of the world. But right now we don’t have an idea as to what, if any, damage there is to the suspensory. Which it is rubbing on. Which is why she only had a couple days here or there of any lameness.

back to pony jail she goes

The surgery is already scheduled. She goes in Monday night to have surgery on Tuesday. It’s the same surgeon that did Calika’s colic surgery so I have no worries that he will do a fantastic job. I even get to watch.

Which may be a terrible idea.

But I don’t care because sitting at work, or even at home, during the surgery will make me have a nervous breakdown. I am super interested in seeing surgery done, just wish it wasn’t on my own horse.

So blog land, what are your tips on keeping an angry mare happy in a stall!? She was fine when she cut her other leg last year because there was usually an other horse in with her. BUT this time she is the only horse in all day. And there are bugs. Flies are annoying. Mare is already pissed off and you can see how strong her side eye is in the above picture….that was only half a day into stall rest…so throw some ideas at me please  !

sharing my wine


Well the vet was out again on Thursday to do their thing and find out some more stuff on what has been going on with Luna lately.

Angry, drunk pony

The ultrasound showed some changes going on, better then the x-ray showed the week before. Right now the vet is only grading them as being mild changes.  Not exactly what a person wants to hear any day of the week.

We had a few different treatment options : shockwave, mesotherapy or injections. I chose to do the shockwave since it worked so well for Calika, and the mesotherapy.  The injections weren’t a necessity at this point, and from here on out we at least have a reference point to go off if the pain relapses at a later point. Which I hope it doesn’t.

The mesotherapy was interesting to watch – even for a person that does not like needles. She got a combination of traumeel, lidocaine and dex from about her T15 to L2-ish region. It is supposed to “reset the pain” according to my vet and give them a chance to start feeling better.


day after – she was feeling much better

She has definitely been feeling better. She’s been LEAVING THE BALE to come to me when I go out to get her. Yeah, the hippo mare is actually leaving food to come and greet me. AND nickering at me. WTF. I am confused.

Which then also makes me feel like a shit owner. She has been giving my signs that she hasn’t been happy for quite some time. I just thought it was something else. Hindsight is 20/20…but still…

pretty sure she is feeling better lol

I get to get back on her on Monday for three light days before slowly working her back into what she was doing before. We are hoping that being able to strengthen her back/SI area will stabilize everything and maybe we won’t have to do what we do, or inject anytime soon. Time will tell.

For now she gets to have a cool racing stripe down her back 😂