Lesson update.

We’ve had a few lessons now, and of course I haven’t written anything about any of them. Husband even came to one of these lessons and got lots of media for me! And yet I still didn’t write about them. Such is life.


But also, who wants to read about how great my horse always is ? Because for reals, she is always great. I can’t say that she’s ever been bad because anytime we have had “bad” rides I have been grumpy…so that isn’t her fault.

i am oscar the grouch

We are starting to work on more advanced movements as she has been learning things SO quickly. Which may be a problem when we get out this year to show and show at Training Level ! But we will see. We might skip that if she keeps going as well as she is right now.

This video is from about a month and three lessons ago. Just watching it I can see how she has already changed so much. I wish we could get our shit together over fences like we can on the flat!

We are working on lots of counter canter and walk-canter-walk transitions. The transitions are the freaking hardest thing to do. I keep pushing down into my right stirrup which is lifting me out of the saddle and making it impossible to sit down and ask for the downwards transition. All a work in progress.

Nothing exciting has been happening, I haven’t even bought anything new lately !

happy trails

One of those weeks

This week was a week that I got hardly any riding in at all.

Sunday my fitter came out to check out my saddle as its been over a month since it came and the flocking as settled a bit. I rode around and did a few things but nothing like what I would have done on a “normal” ride.


Tuesday/Wednesday there were lessons till late so I snuck a ride in later Tuesday night but again didn’t do much other than a light hack because I was too busy talking with a friend. I like to talk….a lot.

Friday was lesson day. I was hoping Luna wasn’t going to be a wild baboon…. She was feeling frisky on Thursday when I brought her in to change blankets. Because you know, on Friday’s, when I have lessons there usually has to be some weird funky weather change! Perfect! This time its an other winter storm. They’ve changed the forecast about 67 times since yesterday morning. It has yet to start snowing so I think I should be okay to get there on time…hopefully.

this weekend’s forecast

Slow riding weeks always seem to just drag on. They also make me incredibly sore I have found out.  So how do you make the weeks with little riding go by quicker?!